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Timeout In Postgres

Published: at 03:57 PM


Determines the maximum time a session can remain idle inside a transaction before it is automatically terminated. Helps prevent long-running transactions from tying up resources.

SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 60000; -- 60 seconds

Concerned with the overall duration of inactivity within a transaction.

2. statement_timeout

Sets the maximum allowed time for the execution of individual SQL statements. If a statement takes longer than the specified timeout, it is automatically canceled.

SET statement_timeout = 5000; -- 5 seconds

Focuses on limiting the execution time of individual SQL statements.

3. lock_timeout

Sets the maximum allowed time to wait for a lock to be acquired. If a lock cannot be acquired within the specified timeout, the statement is canceled.

SET lock_timeout = '10s'; -- 10 seconds

Determines the time a statement can wait for a lock to be acquired.

4. tcp_keepalives_idle, tcp_keepalives_interval, tcp_keepalives_count

Configures TCP keepalive settings to detect and terminate idle connections at the TCP level.

SET tcp_keepalives_idle = 600;      -- 10 minutes
SET tcp_keepalives_interval = 60;   -- 1 minute
SET tcp_keepalives_count = 5;

Operates at the TCP level, detecting and terminating idle connections.

Testing the Variables:

To test these variables, you can perform the following steps:


Open a transaction and remain idle for longer than the specified timeout. Observe that the session is terminated due to inactivity within the transaction.


Execute a query that takes longer than the specified timeout. Observe that the query is automatically canceled.


Attempt to acquire a lock that is held by another transaction for longer than the specified timeout. Observe that the statement attempting to acquire the lock is canceled.




Adjust these settings to configure TCP keepalives. Monitor network connections and observe how idle connections are handled. Review the impact of these settings in a controlled environment before applying them in a production setting. Testing should involve various scenarios to ensure that the configured timeouts meet the requirements of your application without causing disruptions.